Court of Public Awakening

JUSTICE for All to the Nations


Click this link to download the OPEN MEMO & PETITION.

July 30, 2024 OPEN MEMO TO: 

The Honorable John G. Roberts Jr. & all Justices, The U.S. Supreme Court

RE: Let’s Avoid CIVIL WAR - Our Grand Jury system is not being run properly by our Judiciary; there is a better path for all souls.

Great Day!

It is evident our Grand Jury system is not performing its historical role ‘as a buffer between the government and the people, preventing arbitrary and oppressive governmental actions’ as confirmed by the 1992 Williams case BLACK LETTER LAW ruling. I realized this yesterday when reviewing the Handbook for Federal Grand Jurors (

The problem is also local, in every county as detailed in the attached EXPEDITED EMERGENCY PETITION AND EXTRAORDINARY WRIT(S).

I pray you see the wisdom in addressing this opportunity as “what we do in this life echoes in eternity” - I would be honored to prove this to you.

Blessings & Grace as we bring Justice for All to the Nations!



Supreme Court of the United States

We The People, +12 Citizens, Virginia Residents, John & Jane Doe’s 

including ALDO Dibeldarino



Virginia Beach Officials;

Chief Judge Lewis,

Judge Stephen C. Mahan

Judge Randall D. Smith,

Unlawful Sheriff Holcomb,

Elected Clerk of the Court Tina Sinnen,

Commonwealth Attorney Colin Stolle


DOCKET NUMBER: _24-_______





Welcome to the

Truth is the foundation of Creation; warring against it is


  1. America is at a boiling point, Virginia Beach is the place where the flames of deception are turned off or the cause of lawful citizen militia actions begin.

United States v. Williams, 504 U.S. 36 (1992). In this case, the Court ruled that a Grand Jury operates independently of the three branches of government and belongs to the people. This decision reinforced the notion that a grand jury is an independent body.

Here are key points of the black letter law ruling from the Williams case:

  1. Independence of the Grand Jury: The Grand Jury is not part of the judicial, executive, or legislative branches of government but is instead a constitutional fixture in its own right.
  2. Historical Function: The Grand Jury's function has historically been to stand as a buffer between the government and the people, preventing arbitrary and oppressive governmental actions.
  3. Investigative and Accusatory Roles: The Grand Jury serves both an investigative and an accusatory function in the criminal justice process.

United States v. Calandra, 414 U.S. 338 (1974), the Supreme Court emphasized the role of the Grand Jury not only as an investigative body but also as a protector of the people against oppressive government actions.

Section 5 of the Handbook for Virginia Grand Jurors states, “One of the earliest functions [of a Grand Jury] was to protect citizens from despotic abuse of power by the king;”

Virginia Code §19.2-194. ‘When and how grand jurors to be selected and summoned; lists to be delivered to clerk’ - violates the 1992 Williams case Black Letter Law ruling of grand jury independence as it directs Judges to provide names to the clerk for grand jury service.  The clerk is further directed to provide names to the sheriff to summon jurors for duty.  The Virginia General Assembly’s failure to address this matter and other related details for 32 years does not shield improper conduct. 

It is evident our Grand Jury is manipulated by the Judiciary (including but not limited to judges Lewis & Mahan) with assistance from the Virginia Beach Sheriff's Office (hereinafter VBSO) in processes and in access as citizens are prohibited from presenting a Citizen Grand Jury PRESENTMENT (ATTACHMENT A) of “evidence of criminal activity in the community or by any governmental authority, agency or official” as allowed in Virginia Code and section 16 of the Handbook for Virginia Grand Jurors.  The bad behavior is known as Systemic BAR MAFIA activity and falls under RICO - TREASON - INSURRECTION standards.

On July 1, 2024 citizen presenter ALDO dibelardino (hereinafter ALDO) was forcefully removed from the Virginia Beach Circuit Court (hereinafter VBCC) building for attempting to give a lawful PRESENTMENT to our Grand Jury - police body cam video, the related PRESENTMENT, and all ATTACHMENTS are posted at

On July 15, 2024 mayhem ensued in the Virginia Beach Grand Jury courtroom with three souls injured when deputy sheriffs used excessive force to jail presenter Victor Jackson and arrested a certified ADA (American Disabilities Act) official who was injured in the process. Others in the gallery were trampled and subject to excessive force as well.  The Virginia Beach Sheriff’s Office (hereinafter VBSO) is refusing to release videos for a lawful FOIA request, claiming an investigation is ongoing.  Our response was to advise the VBSO a Citizens Grand Jury investigation and efforts to stop corruption is in fact ongoing - produce the videos immediately as they were taken in a public forum - our Grand Jury proceeding.

On July 16, 2024 ALDO and Pamela Burnham visited Victor Jackson in the Virginia Beach Jail; statements of abuse were given and some abuse was witnessed.  These behaviors are consistent with ALDO’s 2023 false jailing by the VBSO.

On July 19, 2024, ALDO was arrested and jailed for three days for trespassing under an unlawful administrative directive. He was educating the public on the Grand Jury's power to RESTORE ACCOUNTABILITY, polling citizens on due process, and protesting the jailing of Victor Jackson. ALDO was 152 feet from the courthouse front doors, in a spot previously approved by deputy sheriffs. The administrative directive, still in effect, requires protesters to move 532 feet away, effectively silencing free speech. This directive, which violates constitutional rights, remains in  effect and is enforced by deputy sheriffs sworn to uphold our Constitutions. The arrest video is available at

II.  EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCE - Unlawfully appointed Sheriff Holcomb has gone rogue, using excessive force and failing to respond to FOIA requests and inquiries. This appears to serve the interests of desperate BAR MAFIA actors. A lawfully filed 7/2/24 QUO WARRANTO has been ignored, and the response time has lapsed.

On October 29, 2023, Deputy Rocky Holcomb was unlawfully sworn in as Sheriff by Chief Judge Lewis, with the oath accepted by elected Clerk of the Court Tina Sinnen (Attachment B). Elected Sheriff Ken Stolle, brother of Respondent Commonwealth Attorney Colin Stolle, left office in September 2023, roughly 27 months before the end of his term. According to Virginia Codes § 24.2-228.1

& 24.2-682.C, a special election should be held "promptly" when more than 12 months remain in the elected official's term. No petition, writ, or order exists in the public record as required, only the unlawful oath executed by Lewis, Holcomb, and accepted by Sinnen. This unlawful action is indicative of systemic BAR MAFIA activity in our local government.

III. EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCE - The Supreme Court Of Virginia is doing nothing to abuse time as a shield for bad behaviors and preventing legal escalation.

Silence or delay from our courts, similar to fraud as noted in U.S. v. Tweel, U.S. v. Prudden, and Carmine v. Bowen, breaches the legal duty to communicate and can be used to shield misconduct. Without a timely ruling, order, or response, recourse to higher authorities is blocked.

On June 4, 2024 an EMERGENCY EXPEDITED OPEN PETITION TO STOP BAR MAFIA ACTIONS, ISSUE A WRIT OR MANDAMUS or EMPANEL A SPECIAL GRAND JURY CL24-2865 (ATTACHMENT C) was filed at the VBCC and expedited to the Supreme Court of Virginia.  After 27 days of no action this complaint became part of a citizen grand jury PRESENTMENT for the VBCC July 1 & 15, 2024 Grand Juries (ATTACHMENT A).

It should be further noted on March 27, 2024 a related OPEN PETITION TO RESTORE ACCOUNTABILITY BY EMPANELLING A SPECIAL GRAND JURY TO PUBLISH AND INVESTIGATE +4,000 ANNUALLY DISMISSED COURT OFFICER COMPLAINTS CL24-1585 was filed at the VBCC and expedited to the Supreme Court Of Virginia. This matter was heard in Richmond, Virginia Circuit Court by Judge Spencer who was designated by the Supreme Court of Virginia - please see the 7/26/24 OPEN MEMO to Judge Spencer (ATTACHMENT D).

IV. EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCE - The Norfolk, Virginia Federal Court Rocket Docket failed to launch for 9 months before issuing a false order to dismiss the related Federal Amended Complaint 2:23-cv-00225 now on Appeal (No. 24-1269) at the US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Richmond, Virginia for related Bar Mafia Activity. 

On July 15, 2024, eight citizens filed an emergency expedited habeas corpus petition at the Norfolk, Virginia Federal Courthouse. They submitted handwritten statements regarding the wrongful contempt of court jailing of Victor Jackson, who attempted to present evidence of criminality to the Grand Jury, and the wrongful arrest of ADA official Janice Grenadier, involving excessive force in the Grand Jury courtroom. To date, no action has been taken.

V. EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCE - As detailed in the Grand Jury PRESENTMENT, so many others are complicit.  How far does the BAR MAFIA go?

Commonwealth attorney Colin Stolle was given related evidence of fraud upon our court on October 13, 2023 and has systematically been party to manipulating our Grand Jury.  See the Laura Hughes case - she is a Bar Member that was recently falsely indicted.

Based on the VBSO refusal to provide 7/15/24 videos from a public forum (our Grand Jury proceeding), it would seem they are abusing the color of law authority to shield evidence of their bad behaviors and possibly working with the Commonwealth Attorney to falsely indict activist and political candidate PeaceMaker Sheriff ALDO. 

Judge Randall D. Smith falsely jailed Whistleblower ALDO on October 25, 2023 with a known false order based on fraud upon our court to avoid “chaos in society” (his words, transcript 93:16).

Judge Stephen C. Mahan is a Defendant in the related Federal Amended Complaint 2:23-cv-00225 and unlawfully manipulated the July 1, 2024 Grand Jury.

No timely response has been received to a Quo Warranto issued 7/3/24 to the Virginia Attorney General, Jason Miyares for choosing to abuse taxpayer resources to defend bad behaviors and bad actors over his official duty to protect citizen voters from fraud, especially in our monopoly court system. A related voter awareness campaign is now beginning. 

VI. Where does this leave us…with the jury box, the ballot box, or the cartridge box?  A fully informed Grand Jury free from the other branches of our government is the only RULE OF LAW PATH FORWARD; wherefore We The People demand our court;

1. Issue a writ to remove unlawful sheriff Holcomb without the ability to be a future public servant.

2. Issue a writ to stop all Grand Jury activity in Virginia Beach until an Elected Sheriff can lawfully administer the Grand Jury with public oversight separate from the judiciary, executive, and legislative branches as required by the 1992 Williams Black Letter Law ruling.

3. As detailed in the Grand Jury PRESENTMENT (ATTACHMENT A), issue a writ to conduct an immediate FireHouse election within 2 weeks for an Elected Sheriff. The provided details are lawful, standard, and designed to stop known election integrity problems.

4. Issue a writ to empanel a multi-jurisdictional Special Grand Jury to be administered by an Elected Sheriff with public oversight to investigate “public or common nuisance and conditions that involve or tend to promote criminal activities in our communities” in accordance with Virginia Codes and our Constitutions.

5. Issue a writ for the Supreme Court of Virginia to release all surety bond details for bad actors including but not limited to declaration, application, and indemnity documents.

6. Issue a writ to allow citizens to bring smartphones, cameras, and computers into the VBCC.

7. Issue a writ for the VBCC clerk to publicly publish all complaints and related pleading file content in an easily searchable and retrievable format.

Any threats, acts of violence, coercion, or obstruction of justice by individuals under investigation or their associates will be met with a full lawful response as acts of high treason.

VII. Certification and Closing

Under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11, by signing below, I, ALDO, certify to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief that this PETITION: (1) is not being presented for an improper purpose, such as to harass,  cause unnecessary delay, or needlessly increase the cost of litigation; (2) is supported by existing law or by a nonfrivolous argument for extending,modifying, or reversing existing law; (3) the factual contentions have evidentiary support or, if specifically so identified, will likely have evidentiary support after a reasonable opportunity for further investigation or discovery; and (4) the PETITION otherwise complies with the requirements of Rule 11.

Blessings & Grace as we bring Justice for All to the Nations, 

ALDO dibelardino, pro-se       Dated_______________


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - complete copy hand delivered to the VBCC for distribution to respondents & emailed to USA,    By________

Click this link to download the OPEN MEMO & PETITION.