Court of Public Awakening

JUSTICE for All to the Nations


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AT LAW NO.: CL24-4272

United States ex rel. We The People, +12 John & Jane Does, including ALDO dibelardino,


Judge Margaret P. Spencer, and all Unlawfully SELECTED and FALSELY SHIELDED Virginia Judges and Supreme Court Justices,

In response to the August 6, 2024 CL24-1585 False Ruling

RED PILL - The Virginia State Bar (VSB) selects who our legislators can vote for to become a judge. The VSB dismisses +80% of complaints.  Time to stop Rule by VSB! 

This petition is posted online at to ensure public transparency, as Virginia court filings are only available online to VSB Members.

This is an OPEN SOURCE document meant for others to use to keep VSB Members, including Judges accountable to the RULE OF LAW.

Government officials' systemic failure to assure a “wrongful official act is prevented or rectified” (Va. R. Sup. Ct. 1.13) gives all Virginia residents the right to challenge and QUO WARRANTO every Unlawfully SELECTED and FALSELY SHIELDED Virginia Judge or Justice that has ruled or seeks to rule over them unlawfully in our courts.


COMES NOW, We The People, +12 John & Jane Doe’s including ALDO dibelardino, Petitioners, respectfully petition our Honorable Court for a Writ of Quo Warranto against JUDGE MARGARET P. SPENCER and notice upon all Unlawfully SELECTED and FALSELY SHIELDED Virginia Judges and Justices, Respondent(s), and in support thereof states as follows:

Jurisdiction and Venue

  1. Jurisdiction: This Court has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to Va. Code § 8.01-635 et seq.
  2. Venue: Venue is proper in this Court pursuant to Va. Code § 8.01-261 because the acts complained of occurred within this jurisdiction.


  1. Petitioners:
    • We The People, a group of citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia,  +12 John & Jane Does including ALDO dibelardino, are sui juris residents of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and citizens of the Commonwealth who have documented safety and security concerns.
  2. Respondents:
    • Judge Margaret P. Spencer and all Unlawfully SELECTED and FALSELY SHIELDED Virginia Judges and Justices, who currently serve in the state judiciary and reside in Virginia.


  1. Unlawful SELECTION: Respondent(s) were Unlawfully SELECTED by the Virginia General Assembly based on nominations controlled by the VSB, a membership entity controlled by the Virginia Supreme Court.
  2. Impact on Justice: The VSB’s control over the judicial selection process has compromised the separation of powers, creating a judicial system biased in favor of VSB members. This monopoly, held by an unelected and unconstitutionally empowered group, unjustly rules over non-member citizens, abusing the color of law authority to maintain its control and thereby undermining the principles of JUSTICE BY PEERS and the RULE OF LAW.
  3. FALSELY SHIELDED: The VSB’s oversight failures, as evidenced by the +80% high dismissal rate of complaints against VSB members (detailed in the CL24-1585 complaint), have contributed to what FOX News has labeled "GANGSTER" courts and BAR MAFIA BEHAVIORS.
  4. Violation of Constitutional Rights: Judge Spencer’s false ruling in the CL24-1585 case on August 6, 2024, further illustrates the unlawful conduct of the judiciary, ignoring statutory requirements for grand jury investigations initiated by citizens as detailed here:
  1. Virginia Code §48.1 requires our court to empanel a grand jury to investigate when 5 or more CITIZENS, not VSB members, bring a complaint to the court as was done with the CL24-1585 filing.
  2. The Supremacy of our Constitutions protects and guarantees all citizens, not just VSB members, the redress of complaints and the separation of powers. (US.C 1st Amend + Article VI Clause 2. VA.C Article I Section 6, SCOTUS 1803 Madison, etc.)
  3. The SCOTUS 1992 Williams ruling confirms our grand jury is separate from our government and that Virginia Codes & Rules that limit our grand jury are unlawful.
  4. The SCOTUS 1974 Calandra ruling confirms our grand jury is a “protector of the people against oppressive government actions.”

Legal Grounds

  1. Quo Warranto: Pursuant to Va. Code § 8.01-636, a writ of quo warranto is warranted to challenge the authority by which Respondent(s) claim to hold judicial office.
  2. Relevant Case Law: See Edwards v. Youngkin, City of Virginia Beach v. Flippin, and Riggelman v. Commonwealth for precedents supporting the issuance of a writ of quo warranto.

Relief Requested

Petitioners respectfully request that this Court:

  1. Issue a Writ of Quo Warranto: Requiring Respondent Judge Margaret P. Spencer to show by what authority she holds the office of a Virginia Judge while violating rights as she did in the CL24-1585 ruling.
  2. Declare Unlawful: Declare that Respondent Judge Margaret P. Spencer is unlawfully holding office and order her to vacate her position.
  3. Mandate: The CL24-1585, 2865, and related matters be heard by an elected, unbiased panel of judges free from VSB influence. 
  4. Order: Virginia Beach Authorities, including the Sheriff's Office and Commonwealth Attorney, to STAND DOWN and not interfere with the PRESENTMENT of  complaints to a free, independent, fully-informed Grand Jury, in compliance with VA Code §48.1 and the 1992 SCOTUS Williams ruling.
  5. Further Actions: Recognize that failure to comply with these requirements constitutes further evidence of judicial misconduct requiring additional lawful, coordinated, liberty actions by Petitioners.

Any threats, acts of violence, coercion, or obstruction of justice by individuals under investigation or their associates will be met with a full lawful response as acts of TREASON.

Rumors that ALDO and POSSE associates have been added to the Federal Terrorist Watchlist and are under false indictment by Norfolk and Virginia Beach authorities will be investigated as acts of TREASON.


I hereby certify that on this 15th day of August, 2024, a true and correct copy of the foregoing Petition for Writ of Quo Warranto was delivered to the Virginia Beach Circuit Court for service upon Judge Margaret P. Spencer and delivery to all unlawfully selected and falsely shielded Virginia Judges and Justices.

Respectfully submitted August 15, 2024,

ALDO dibelardino -

Click this link to download the OPEN PETITION.